January 11, 2017

Present: Ray Gillen, Brad Lewis, Sharon Jordan, Karen Zalewski-Wildzunas, Neil Golub, John  Mallozzi, Todd Edwards, Nancy Casso, Robert Dieterich and Paul Webster

Absent: Bob Mantello

Others: David Hogenkamp

Call to Order:  Mr. Gillen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

1.       Approval of Minutes:

A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mrs. Zalewski-Wildzunas; seconded by Mr. Golub and approved unanimously.

2.       Treasurer’s Report:

Mrs. Zalewski-Wildzunas summarized the twelve-month financial report that was distributed in advance of the meeting. Final sales tax receipts have not yet been received. Predevelopment expenses ended higher than budgeted due to higher levels of activity especially at Mohawk Harbor. Cash totaled $3.19 million. Mr. Golub moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Mr. Dieterich. Following discussion, the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

3.        General Electric Company Project: Resolution 1095-17 — Adopt General Project Plan

GE’s Power Division is undertaking an additional $26 million investment at Building 40, Building 5, Building 37, and Building 273. This follows GE’s $45 million investment in 2016.  A public hearing was held on January 5 and no written or oral comments were received. Resolution 1095-17 authorized an exemption from sales and use taxes associated with the renovations. Mr. Lewis moved Resolution 1095-17; seconded by Mrs. Zalewski-Wildzunas and approved following discussion.

4.       Mill Artisan District Project: Resolution 1096-17 — No Significant Effect on the Environment

Metroplex acted as lead agency and conducted a coordinated environmental review pursuant to SEQRA. The project was classified as a Type I action due to its proximity to the Stockade Historic District and adjoining historic properties. The project restores vacant, blighted and underutilized buildings for the creation of a mixed-use retail/residential district. The project overall will have a very positive impact on lower State Street and issues relating to historic preservation and environmental remediation will be addressed. The project does not result in potentially adverse environmental impacts.  Ms. Jordan moved Resolution 1096-17; seconded by Mrs. Zalewski-Wildzunas and approved.

5.       Mill Artisan District Project: Resolution 1097-17 — Adopt the General Project Plan

This transformative project on lower State Street renovates existing buildings and activates new space for locally sourced and crafted products. Metroplex’s participation will involve a $455,000 grant, sales, mortgage and real property tax exemptions. The project developer is Re4orm Real Estate LLC, an affiliate of Schenectady-based Re4orm Architecture. A public hearing was held on December 6 and the project received the support of the Schenectady Heritage Foundation. Ms. Jordan moved Resolution 1097-17; seconded by Mrs. Zalewski-Wildzunas and approved following discussion.

6.       487 Nott Street Project: Resolution 1098-17 — Hold a Public Hearing

An affiliated entity of the Galesi Group, 487 Associates, LLC, will renovate the former Nott Street School. Built in 1877, the vacant building will be converted to fifteen apartments using, in part, historic tax credits. Metroplex involvement will include a $100,000 grant, and sales, mortgage and real property tax exemptions. Mrs. Zalewski-Wildzunas moved Resolution 1079-16 that called for a public hearing; seconded by Mr. Golub. Following discussion about the redevelopment project, Resolution 1098-17 was unanimously approved.

7.       Viaport Rotterdam Development Project: Resolution 1099-17 — Hold a Public Hearing

The project involves the conversion of the vacant Macy’s store at Viaport Rotterdam into a new office complex for a NYS agency housing up to 700 new employees. Resolution 1099-17 called for a public hearing about the $8.5 million renovation project.  Metroplex involvement may include a $970,000 grant and sales, mortgage and real property tax exemptions. Mr. Golub moved Resolution 1099-17; seconded by Mrs. Casso.  Following discussion, Resolution 1099-17 was approved.

8.       Live In Schenectady Project: Resolution 1100-17 — Hold a Public Hearing

The Live In Schenectady project, also known as Villages on Barrett, assembled about 20 properties as a commercial venture that yields the construction of a combination twenty-five (25) townhouse-style and single family residences on 1.1 acres in and around Barrett Street and Huron Street in the City of Schenectady. Metroplex involvement may include sales, mortgage and partial real property tax exemptions. Resolution 1100-17 called for a public hearing. Mrs. Zalewski-Wildzunas moved Resolution 1100-17; seconded by Ms. Jordan.  Mr. Golub recused himself since he is a community investor in the redevelopment project. Following Board discussion, Resolution 1100-17 was approved.

Public Comment: None

Board Comment: Mr. Gillen updated the board on various projects including pending grant applications for the Capital Region Land Bank, Restore NY projects, and the upcoming opening of the Rivers Casino.

Adjournment: Mrs. Zalewski-Wildzunas moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lewis. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

David Hogenkamp